Aluminum curtain ceiling having been chromed firstly, then processed with fluorocarbon spray coating .Fluorine carbon coating has outstanding characteristics of corrosion resistance and weathering resistance ,resisting acid rain , salt fog and various kinds of air contaminants. Besides, it has good performance of thermal and cold endurance ,meanwhile , it not only can resist strong ultraviolet ray , but also keeping unfading and chalking with long life-time application . Feature : Its structure of which is made up of front-plate, reinforced rib, and angle , which is processed by high-intensity aluminum alloy material. The front-plate can be directly bent and stamped to the shape of angle , meanwhile , it is to be made by riveting on the front-plate flanging. The reinforced rib is joined by electrical welding bolt at the back of plate, so as to form the whole structure .Therefore , greatly reinforces the characters of intensity and strengthen , guaranteeing evenness and shock resistance ability. 铝单板幕墙的厚度,我们会否选择,相信每个顾客都有不同的选择方法。何为幕墙铝单板的适合厚度,这是我们在建材市场上选购幕墙铝单板时要注意的。幕墙铝单板与铝单板价格究竟是怎样的必然关系。根据我们以往的选择幕墙铝单板的经验,一般情况下,幕墙铝单板厚度范围在0.6mm到5mm区间内,在常规厚度区间中选择一个适合自己的幕墙铝单板和适合的铝单板价格就显得十分的重要。下面,佛山建威小编与您一起来探讨如何在铝单板价格幅度中选择适合自己需要的幕墙铝单板。 对于室外建筑来说,我必须要注意外墙铝单板的选择,根据经验,我们一般会选择屋面板厚度大于0.8mm,从使用的年限和安全度方面进行考虑,厚度小于0.8mm的外墙铝单板是得不到**的,因为夏天,是雷雨季风的多发季节太薄的铝单板经受不起风雨的洗礼,容易造成损坏或者是坍塌,不难发现,在台风中顾客损坏的屋面幕墙铝单板中,都是阻燃型幕墙铝单板中厚度都是小于1mm的,这就警示我们,在发生自然灾害的时候,幕墙铝单板也会起到一定的作用,有些客户因为便宜的铝单板价格就盲目选择小的生产厂家,选择厚度很薄的板材。看到别人客户在自然灾害中的损失,小编希望广大顾客能够选择适合自己的厂家进行铝单板板材的购买。 相对来说,当幕墙铝单板作为墙面板使用,其板材的厚度选择自由一些。由于其还有一层外墙挡着的,而此时应该更多的去考虑幕墙铝单板的应用效果了,比如去衡量墙面的宽度,从而更好的选择幕墙铝单板的宽度,使其更加的美观。只有做到美观与实用,才会有更多的人去选择幕墙铝单板。 佛山建威装饰材料有限公司,专业生产销售铝扣板天花吊顶,铝格栅天花,铝格栅吊顶,铝方通吊顶,铝单板16年,厂家直销,质量保证,铝单板价格优惠,配备专业的设计师团队和安装队伍,热诚为您打造别致的集成吊顶。